I would like to use this first blog post to explain the reason that got me into creating this blog site. I’m generally interested in discussions and even debates that involve religion but never thought of having a blogging site dedicated just for that purpose until very recently. But what I observed the past couple of weeks has pushed me to do just that.  During and around Easter time in 2017, my wife and I received many reactions and comments on some not-so-special Facebook posts we did during that time. Some of those reactions were from old friends I never had the chance to meet for a long time. So I went ahead and checked their Facebook pages to see how they are doing in life. I was pleased to see many of them doing great in their careers and lives. However, I was also taken aback to see some of them still holding firmly to religious beliefs that I find to be not-so-reasonable. Hence this blog site and this article to start conversation and help in fostering dialog in matters of religion.

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